PLEASE SHARE THIS POST! PRIORITY ONE: CALL THE GOVERNOR SF580 / HF 600 : Preemption bill that takes control to set minimum wage and other worker requirements away from cities and puts that power only at the state level. Different areas have different costs of living and different needs and should be able to set their local ordinances accordingly. There are slight differences between the House and Senate version that will go to conference committee, but both bills take away local control. Governor Dayton is hedging on whether he will veto this bill. He says it’s complex and he needs to see it first. Please urge him to veto this bill. WHAT TO DO: Call Governor Dayton at 651-201-3400. Ask him to veto SF580 / HF 600. It's really as simple as that, but if you have a personal story to share as to why this would affect your life, or any other argument to make, these would be helpful too. = = = = = A variety of other bills are pending in the legislature that will affect iss...