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Republicans are trying to sell the American public a massive giveaway to corporations and the welathy, disguising it as "tax reform". In addition to taking part in (or organizing) a protest this week, please take a few minutes to call your Congressional reps to make sure their constituents oppose this tax scam!
WHAT TO DO: Call your U.S. Senator.
Find your Congressional representatives here:
If you're in Minnesota:
Senator Al Franken: (202) 224-5641 / 651-221-1016
Senator Amy Klobuchar: (202) 224-3244 / 612-727-5220
SCRIPT, if you need it (if you know your rep already supports what you're asking for, adapt your script as a thank you— yes, this is important to do too!):
"Hello. My name is _______. My zip code is _____. I don't need a personal response. I'm calling to let the Senator know that I strongly oppose the tax bill released by the House Republicans on November 2. This tax bill is a scam that will give massive cuts to the wealthy, paid for by forcing deep cuts to critical programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security down the line. I encourage Senator ________ to oppose this legislation. If you could pass my concerns along, I'd appreciate it."
If you have a personal story relating to any of the above legislation, it's of great value for the Senator to share during debate if you'd care to include it. Be sure to thank the staffer for their time. And let your social network know you made the call!
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WHAT TO DO: Call your U.S. Representative.
Find your Congressional representatives here:
If you're in Minneapolis:
Congressman Keith Ellison: (202) 225-4755 / 612-522-1212
If you're in St Paul:
Congresswoman Betty McCollum: (202) 225-6631/ (651) 224-9191
SCRIPT, if you need it (if you know your rep already supports what you're asking for, adapt your script as a thank you— yes, this is important to do too!):
"Hello. My name is _______. My zip code is _____. I don't need a personal response. I'm calling to let the Representative know that I strongly oppose the tax bill released by the House Republicans on November 2. This tax bill is a scam that will give massive cuts to the wealthy, paid for by forcing deep cuts to critical programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security down the line. I encourage Representative ________ to oppose this legislation. If you could pass my concerns along, I'd appreciate it."
If you have a personal story relating to any of the above legislation, it's of great value for the Representative to share during debate if you'd care to include it. Be sure to thank the staffer for their time. And let your social network know you made the call by re-posting this link!
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