Please share this post! Today's entry is largely Melania'd from an action item by my friend Megan (with her consent). Thanks Megan! A special counsel, Robert Mueller, has been appointed by the Justice Department to investigate Russia’s involvement in the U.S. presidential election, and "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” This is great news, but it doesn’t let Congress off the hook. Let’s use this momentum to continue to demand a thorough Congressional investigation into Trump’s potential ties to Russia. 1. Focus on your Senators and Representative. With the appointment of Special Counsel, some in Congress may feel they are off the hook. We cannot let this slide. As stated here , Special Counsel can only go so far. We still need a parallel special commission appointed by Congress. If you need a script, give this a shot: “Hi. My name is _______ and I’m a constituent of Senator/Rep ____________. I am calling to urge him/her to dem...